Distinguished Speaker - Art Laffer - March 18, 2025

Distinguished Speaker - Art Laffer

March 18, 2025 from 7:00 p.m.–9:00 p.m.

Plaster School of Business and Young America's Foundation are partnering to bring Art Laffer as a guest speaker to Cedarville. Come hear economist, Dr. Arthur Laffer, Advisor to Presidents Ronald Reagan and Donald Trump, as he addresses the topic, "America's Economic Comeback: The Five Pillars of Prosperity". This a free event for all faculty, staff, students, and guests, sponsored by the Young America's Foundation. This event will take place next Tuesday, March 18th in the Scharnberg Auditorium at 7:00pm.

Campus Facilities

Scharnberg Business and Communication Center SBCC Auditorium 102-104 [Tour]
